Monday, December 29, 2008

My Dopesmoker, Sort Of.....

Here's a time-stretched, delayed-to-heck and psychedelically reversed hour-long reworking of my psych-folk cover of "Black is the Color", which I had titled "Maple St. Rag", and which, in the spirit of 70's Miles, I retitled "gar ts elpam". I've been influenced, mood-wise, by Runes Order, Expo 70, newer Earth, and Bohren & der Club of Gore, along with Circle, and Black Magus. Repetition and heavy effects processing are the name of the game, although I've been thinking about doing a big Rose Hips kick (my relatively unprocessed guitar improv project), as I've also been revisiting Derek Bailey and James "Blood" Ulmer of late, so who knows....
Gar Ts Elpam


eclectricitymeter said...

excellent stuff that, really like that ambient noise effect you've got going there. cheers, will link to yours from mine...cheers

Anonymous said...

Hey great post. Thought I'm not sure I agree with you 100%. Keep em coming. Are you interested in having anyone guest post opposing views?